Psychologist (518) 372-0166

Q&A- Childhood Schizophrenia

Susan S. Woods, Ph.D.question and answer with Dr. Susan S. Woods Childhood Schizophrenia

Q:What are early symptoms of childhood schizophrenia?

A:Typically, symptoms of schizophrenia appear in the late teens or early twenties and

appear to be caused by a variety of biological and environmental factors. There

is about a 1% chance of having schizophrenia in the general population and 10%

chance if there are first degree relatives ( parents, siblings) with the disease. Men

and women appear to be affected equally.

Symptoms include sleep problems, social isolation, hyperactivity, hostility, unusual

emotional reactions, extreme moodiness, odd behavior, hallucinations (seeing

things or hearing things that are not there), difficulty relating to peers or keeping

friends. The person’s thinking is markedly confused or paranoid and there can be

severe anxiety and agitation in new situations. A deterioration in personal hygiene

is often seen. Diagnosis depends on a full psychiatric and psychological evalua-
tion and medical exams. MRI and CT scans can also be informative.

Early detection is important since schizophrenia can be controlled but not cured

and early interventions can prevent and/or delay serious symptomatology.

Susan S. Woods, Ph.D.

700 McClellan St ♦ Schenectady, NY 12304 ♦ (518) 372-0166

825 Riverview Rd ♦ Rexford, NY  12148