Psychologist (518) 372-0166

Q&A- Occasional Therapy Tune-up?

Susan S. Woods, Ph.D.question and answer with Dr. Susan S. Woods

Q: A couple of years ago I saw a psychologist for some issues with panic and anxiety. He helped and I really haven’t had a panic attack or any issues with anxiety since. Would you recommend going in for a “tune up” even if the problem hasn’t come up again?

A: This is an interesting question. I always urge my patients to come back from time to time to keep me posted. Some people really
enjoy having an open door policy and they know that they can get help as needed. It sounds like you really benefited from your therapy experience. he fact that you raise the idea of going back suggests to me that there may be other things that are troubling you or that you want to reinforce what you have already learned in therapy. Therefore I would highly recommend that you go back for that “tune-up”. Most therapists love to see old clients again and are gratified to know that they have been helpful.

Susan S. Woods, Ph.D.

700 McClellan St ♦ Schenectady, NY 12304 ♦ (518) 372-0166

825 Riverview Rd ♦ Rexford, NY  12148